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Make your small business dreams come true. Get the help you need this week!

Weekly Video Calls with dedicated Real Mentors with Real Ideas & Answers to your Real Issues & Questions.

14 Day Free Trial
*limited time only

Use our Experience and Knowledge on your Small Business Journey.

Choose a convenient day and time and schedule your first call.

Relax, get comfortable, log in, and get the help you need.

Let's solve the issues you face in your small business, week after week, as needed.

Together, let's make your dreams a reality!

14 Day Free Trial
*limited time only

Choose a Private or Semi-Private*
Video Call Pricing Package
(video not required)


Free 14 Day Trial*

Meet Your Mentor First

Fast Investment Return

Morning Availability

Afternoon Availability

Evening Availability

Most Weekdays

Some Weekends

Once a Week if Needed

Call From Anywhere

From Phone or PC

Very Low Monthly Rate

Topic Ideas

Sales & Marketing

Digital Media

Finance & Budgets

General Business

Management Issues

Employees & Hiring

Business Planning

Automation Solutions

AI & Changing Times

Getting Organized

Advertising Help

Raising Capital

Buying, Selling, Merging

14 Day Free Trial
*limited time only

* Small Group, semi-private video calls, (video not required), have their own advantages. Many subscribers often gain additional wisdom in areas that they may not have listed as a challenge area of their own.  They may not have realized that there was an area that needed help. Sometimes, they don't know what they don't know and learn to improve their business with new knowledge. Clients get the opportunity to listen in on current events and issues that are concerns of other small business owners. Often times, they find significant value in these semi-private calls.

These semi-private video calls are always friendly and comfortable and no more than a total of 5 people, (including the mentor), will be on a call. Often, there are less than 5 people. There are times when the semi-private call is just one-on-one. Sometimes just three or four people, depending on individuals’ schedules and chosen call times.



What We Do:

We provide answers to questions, solutions, ideas, and strategies to Small Business Owners and Entrepreneurs.

We do so by offering personalized face-to-face video calls, (video not required), with small business owners to help them solve their issues in areas like:

  • Creating more sales

  • Saving money (lowering expenses)

  • Getting better results from employees (hiring, training and motivating employees)

  • Sell more products and services

  • Plan their next growth steps

  • Save money on expenses and overhead

  • Hire better people

  • Produce better employees

How We Do It:

With live, scheduled video conference calls, your business needs are addressed in real time, by real mentors that are familiar and ready to present solutions to your unique issues and challenges. Prior to each video call, you present your most important situations and questions. 


If needed, the necessary research and leg-work to provide the best solutions will be done prior to your video call appointment. In doing this, the time you spend together can be used to outline a game plan, address any concerns and perfect the ideas.

Our Founder:

Born and raised in California, USA in the height of the tech boom and thrust into creativity and design from an early age, McNely has an abundance of experiences in many industry-leading dynamics.


Married, (to the same woman), for 29 years with three grown children each starting their own families, McNely has been deeply involved in the community, well-traveled, well-educated, and well-read. With a portfolio covering sales and marketing, cultures, influences,  adaptations, technology advances and volumes of industries.

14 Day Free Trial
*limited time only

With a multitude of experience in businesses from start-ups to working with trillion-dollar companies and everything in between, McNely has experience as an entry-level employee and climbing his way up, to starting and owning the company. Managing private companies and public companies. Consulting for a vast range of companies and industries.

Background experiences include:

  • Virtually everything kind of technology

  • Marketing/online marketing

  • Management strategies and solutions

  • Inside/outside/outbound/online sales

  • Business development

  • Operations

  • Finance

  • Business startup/pivot

  • Mergers and aquisitions

  • Franchise/regional/national/international expansion

  • White-label/private branding

  • Customer service

  • Domestic and international opertaions and outsourcing

  • Automation/custom/proprietary technology

  • Integration and outsourcing

  • Much more

“Don helped us through a pretty low point in our company’s history, in fact, so much so that the company evolved into something that I never would have imagined. Where we are now verses where we were a year ago is literally night and day. Don was able to show where profit could be made and where expenses could be reduced. That turned our company around 180 degrees.”
"Don has helped me in so many areas of my business and personal life. I've saved money, made money, invested with confidence, been counseled, coached, motivated, served, learned, trained, enlightened, and just a good friend. There's no questions that I have been blessed to be able to enjoy my time with Don! You won’t look back and regret anything."
“My business took off after talking with Don about what I do. He had ideas and solutions to problems that I just assumed where “normal”. He quickly and easily solved these problems and the next thing I knew, I had a business to run. He walked me through that as well. Thank you Don! I can’t beleive what we were able to do together!”

Dave Doss, CA

Julius Jones, CA

Larry Powalisz, FL

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